If you’re a diehard Star Wars fan and love ugly Christmas sweaters, this blog post is for you. I’ve curated 5 of the ugliest Star Wars Christmas Sweaters on the internet so far, and they are all up for sale. You can get Darth Vader themed, The Child from The Mandalorian or a cool Tatooine Christmas scene. They make great gifts too, because who doesn’t want to wear an ugly Star Wars sweater at Christmas?
Mandalorian The Child Christmas Sweater

If you enjoyed Star Wars The Mandalorian then this The Child Ugly Christmas Sweater has to be in your clothing rotation this Christmas. Featuring Grogo on the front sipping some hot chocolate surrounded by presents, gingerbread men, and Christmas cheer, it’s one you can’t pass up.
Link: https://amzn.to/2YPH27q
Yoda Star Wars Christmas Sweater

If you have The Child Star Wars Christmas sweater then the Yoda ugly Christmas sweater, wear, you must. Featuring Yoda telling you to have a Merry Christmas in the way only Yoda truly can, this sweater will bring a smile to anyone’s face this Christmas time.
Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/902242172/have-a-merry-christmas-you-must-ugly
R2D2 Star Wars Christmas Sweater

Looking for something to wear whilst putting up your Christmas lights? This R2D2 Christmas sweater is perfect for the occasion. While he may look like he’s just getting tangled in the lights Griswold style, if you want your Christmas lights to work, R2D2 is the droid for the job.
Link: https://amzn.to/2X9A1hq
Tatooine Star Wars Ugly Christmas Sweater

Replace the sand on Tatooine with some now. Have R2D2 project a Christmas tree instead of Princess Leia and you have all the makings of a Star Wars ugly Christmas sweater. Makes you wonder what the Jawa’s are going to get in their stockings this year and if Santa will be arriving in an X-Wing to deliver presents to all the young Jedi padawans.
Link: https://www.etsy.com/listing/651254761/merry-christmas-ugly-sweater-star-wars
Darth Vader Christmas Sweater

Christmas is a time for family, and Star Wars is all about family. Now you can have the best Star Wars father come to Christmas dinner with you with your very own Darth Vader Star Wars Christmas sweater. He will instantly bring in the Christmas cheer by letting all your family know that he finds your lack of Christmas cheer disturbing.
Link : https://us.justgeek.com/products/official-darth-vader-star-wars-christmas-jumper-ugly-sweater